Find answers to commonly asked questions about Team Zoot SG here!
How can I apply?
2025 Team Zoot applications are currently open, click on APPLY in the menu to submit your application.
Returning Team Zoot members are automatically renewed when they purchase a 2025 triathlon kit.
When will I know if I made the team?
We will notify you through email if you have been accepted.
What does it cost to join Team Zoot?
There are no membership fees to join Team Zoot.
As a member of the team you are required to race in team gear which will be available for preorder once you have applied to join.
You must purchase either a 1 or 2 piece race suit, or race gear which is unique to Team Zoot. All items on the team store will be available at a heavy discount for the team.
What kind of athlete is Zoot looking for?
We are looking for triathletes who enjoy the journey and are passionate about triathlon. Whether you race a sub 10 hour Ironman or you are looking to complete your first Sprint Distance tri, it’s showing up and exuding a positive attitude that counts.
Do I need to be fast or podium to on the team?
No, you do not need to be speedy fast or place on the podium in races. It is more important to us at Zoot that you love the sport of triathlon and want to share your passion for the sport with others. TEAM ZOOTERS encourage others on and off the course!
What are the perks to being part of Team Zoot?
Custom TEAM ZOOT only triathlon, cycling, swim and running gear at a deep discount
Team-only discounts with our sponsor partners. You are not required to train/race with affiliated sponsor gear/nutrition, but we have the best partners in the industry and you will want to use their products.
TEAM ZOOT gatherings in your region and at races, social rides, happy hours, features on our website & partner brand promotions throughout the year
What does Zoot expect from you as a Zooter?
Introduce the sport of triathlon to at least one new person. You can bring a friend or family member who has never watched a race to a triathlon. You can encourage someone to toe the line at a sprint triathlon. The possibilities are endless when you love the sport of triathlon and want to share it with others.
Plan to race at least 1 triathlon throughout the 2025 season
Race exclusively in the TEAM ZOOT KIT (we do have exceptions for events where you want to race in your local tri club kit).
We don’t require an Instagram or Facebook account but if you have one and really like a particular item we offer, share it! Follow Zoot Sports on social media and tag #teamzootsg
Encourage and be respectful of other athletes
THANK the volunteers!
Can I be on a local triathlon team/club?
Yes, we encourage you to be involved in your local community. We ask that when you race outside of your tri club events, that you wear your TEAM ZOOT kit.
How do I find out about local meet-ups/events/etc?
Join out Facebook page. Also keep an eye out for emails from your captains.
When is the 2025 Team Zoot gear I ordered going to be shipped?
20th March 2025 before T100 Singapore
Do I need to race in the team kit?
If you are racing a triathlon, you must race in the 2025 Team Zoot kit. If you are doing any other kind of race, Team Zoot gear is recommended but not required.
What if the 2025 Team Zoot gear I ordered doesn’t fit?
You can exchange during the exchange period.